Meet the candidates

President                                     V.P. Academic 

Piper Riley Thompson                  Mary Emma Macneil

Dylan Wooley-Berry                     Cole Murphy

V.P. External                               V.P. Campus Life

Annie Sherry                                 Delaney Losier

Ryan Lebreton


Dylan Wooley-Berry


Hopes to update the sexual harassment and assault policy, get external funding for mental health services, renew strategic plan hire part time academic advisors.


President of student council in high school and New Brunswick provincial student council. Manager of educational programming at outdoor swimming pool. First year councillor. Harper Hall president and regular attendee of MASU council meetings this year.

Council Restructure

Will back the most effective plan presented on the issue of shrinking council.

Student Engagement

Wants to implement a well-maintained events calendar and set publicized deadlines for council projects to increase accountability of the executive team.

Campus Safety

Endorses the Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence against Women and Children (or METRAC) report. Wants a full time campus security officer. Wants improved exterior lighting (street lamps and flood lights) on campus.

Student Space

Plans to incorporate gender neutral washrooms and accessibility for physical disabilities into campus master plan.

Student Health

Wants mandatory mental health first aid for house executives and resident assistants, paid for by the university. Wants a full time psychologist hired in the Wellness Centre.


Wants students to decide allocations through referenda. Will look into cutting the least used services and refund students.

Piper Riley Thompson


Wants to foster community building between MASU and students. Plans to properly advertize how to vote and campaign points to students for the upcoming federal election. Will lobby for post-secondary issues to be considered as federal election priorities and for pass/fail distribution credits. Aims to create a students’ rights and responsibility document outlining topics such as appealing grades, lease agreement breakdowns and residence roommate rights.


Arts senator and faculty councillor for two years. Sat on six senate committees and board of regents committee. Executive member of Change Your Mind. Executive assistant to an MP in Ottawa and assistant to provincial minister. Canadian studies president.

Council Restructure

Wants a smaller council to encourage councillor engagement and knowledge-based collective voice. Currently in favour of changing to six executive, six senators, and six members-at-large

Student Engagement

Wants to communicate the vice-presidential projects to students more effectively and get students excited about being members of the MASU.

Campus Safety

Wants to advocate for an increased active security role on campus and foster mutual respect between students and security.

Student Space

Wants longer library hours and to explore the option of a 24-hour study space and published building hours.

Student Health

Wants to increase MASU health and dental plan coverage to improve accessibility for mental health services while making such services more financially feasible.


Wants to improve current services offered from student fees and explore the feasibility of new services.

Annie Sherry


Wants to coordinate the student vote in the federal election. Hopes to show students the value of our external memberships, which students are paying for MASU to be a part of, such as the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA), the New Brunswick Student Alliance (NBSA), and transportation (egs. bike co-op and airport shuttles). Wants to get a maritime bus terminal on campus and strengthen the relationship between students and the town, getting them involved in orientation.


Off-campus councillor. Put together housing fair with previous vice-president external, and served as the vice-president external this year.

Council Restructure

In favour of shrinking council to six executive members, six faculty councillors and six members-at-large.

Student Engagement

Thinks MASU’s annual general meeting was a success and would like to continue this event. Would like to partner with town to co-host events

Campus Safety

Would like the students’ union to be involved in setting the direction of new policies such as the sexual assault policy and the plagiarism policy. Seeks a walk home program for campus.

Student Space

Would like the MASU office to be more hospitable for students to visit.

Student Health

Community mental health strategy involving representatives from the university, town, and students to work on this. Continue advocate for students with the mental health commission of Canada.


Wants to improve already provided services such as the bike co-op

Mary Emma Macneil


Plans to implement online academic advising to improve the service. Plans to improve residence academic mentor training. Hopes to implement grad school prep. services and better promotion of science writing resource centre help


High school student council president. Canadian studies club secretary. Secretary-treasurer of Campbell Hall. Various leadership roles in the Nova Scotia Secondary School Students Association.

Council Restructure

Wants to shrink, but thinks on/off campus councillors are important to provide appropriate representation.

Student Engagement

Wants better promotion of services to students and increased communication between MASU and students. Says students should feel represented by their union.

Campus Safety

Not applicable to portfolio

Student Safety

Wants to use the Purdy Crawford lobby and student centre. Says we are here to study and that it is essential to ensure there is available study space.

Student Health

Plans to ensure there are distinct questions on academic experience survey relating to mental, physical health. Wants to continue to advocate for mental health services on campus.


Better allocation towards academic aspects

Cole Murphy


Wants to prepare for the next round of faculty negotiations. Proposes a student submission of what they would like to see in these negotiations opposed to a hands-off approach. Wants to implement fall reading week programs such as tutorials


Off-campus councillor. Member of a student review committee which illuminated problems consistently faced by students.

Council Restructure

Wants to shrink council and have members-at- large to more accurately represent students.

Student Engagement

Wants to move council to a different room so students feel more welcome to attend.

Campus Safety

Not applicable to porfolio. Supports improved campus safet

Student Space

Wants to increase study space and library hours

Student Health

Will support other executives in their safety projects.


Wants to explore how well MASU’s services are being promoted. Believes MASU spends a reasonable amount on academic services

Delaney Losier


Hopes to diversify events to involve the town of Sackville and students together. Aims to improve clubs and societies training, give residences an “appliance facelift,” and host unique events such as a bar hop scavenger hunt and a winter formal ball.


Hunton House residence assistant. Food and housing representative. Avid MASU council meeting follower. Active listener to residents who helped her compose her platform.

Council Restructure

Wants to make council smaller, but preserve on and off campus representation if possible.

Student Engagement

Plans to make campus resources directory booklets for students. Wants to put on events that students to attract students. Wants to improve clubs and societies training

Campus Safety

Wants to implement the walk home program and fix the logistical problems which the program previously faced

Student Space

Wants to turn the old fine arts building into a study space/lounge area for off-campus students

Student Health

Wants to implement a healthy living month with meditation and aquatic zumba programming held in February. Aims to get machines fixed in the fitness centre


Not interested in raising student fees. Wants to put out more referenda to consult students about where their money is allocated.

Ryan Lebreton


Wants to give students what they deserve and enhance the MASU services they’re already receiving. Plans to use “outside-the-box” thinking for entertainment events, eg. to better use spaces such as the quad and/or Jennings dining hall. Will go above and beyond the job description laid out for him.


Windsor Hall floor representative and social chair. Orientation white shirt and off-campus councillor. Sat on campus life committee and has experience with campus life in general through various connections with athletics, administration and student affairs.

Council Restructure

Thinks there should be further investigation into the root cause(s) of council’s problems before changing the structure

Student Engagement

Wants to have individual vice-president booths at the Clubs & Societies Fair instead of one MASU table in order to engage students in executives’ separate portfolios. Aims to take a proactive approach to student engagement rather than wait for students to come to him.

Campus Safety

Wants to implement policies based off the METRAC safety and security audit. Wants to implement policy and physical changes such as the installation of phone charging stations around campus, improving lighting on campus and adding gender neutral bathrooms.

Student Space

Wants to increase student study space in exam season (possibly as simple as getting chairs and tables in Tweedie Hall, the student centre, and Purdy Crawford) and add one 24-hour study space.

Student Health

Wants to continue mental health campaigns on campus and put a condom in every mailbox from the MASU


Wants to improve current services offered from student fees and explore the feasibility of new services

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